GAME TYPE - Two team games.
WHO'S IT FOR - Group Three. You should have at least six people to play this game, but more is preferable.
WHAT YOU NEED - A large space with home bases for each team.
- Divide the group into two teams.
- Each team decides among themselves whether to throw rock (closed fist), paper (open palm), or scissors (two fingers extended).
- Once decided the teams come together in the center of the area.
- On the count of three, both teams throw the sign they decided on. Everyone on a team must throw the same sign.
- A winner is determined. Rock breaks scissors, scissors cut paper, paper covers rock.
- If there is a tie (i.e. both teams throw paper), the teams go off and decide on a new sign.
- If there is a winner (i.e. one team throws rock and the other throws paper), the losing team must run back to their home base. The winning team must try to tag the members of the other team before they get away.
- Anyone who gets tagged before reaching home base switches teams.
- The process is repeated until everyone is on the same team, at which point the game is over.
Make sure everyone understands exactly when they're supposed to throw their sign. Decide beforehand whether to do it right on three, or to count 1-2-3, then throw the sign.
WHAT IT WORKS ON - Strategy (to try to decide what the other team will throw), teamwork (doing the exact same thing as the rest of your team at the same time), competition (no real winner declared, so it's just fun)