GAME TYPE - Dodge game.
WHO'S IT FOR - Group Three. You should have a good number of players for this, preferably at least five per side.
WHAT YOU NEED - A large space to play in, and lots of old magazines or newspapers.
- Divide up into two teams.
- Teams take sides of a playing area. In the middle of the playing area, there is a neutral zone that holds a table and the magazines and newspapers.
- On the word "GO", both teams have exactly one minute to go to the table and make as many paper balls as they can. Rip out magazine pages, tear up newspaper, whatever they have to do. Crumple the paper up to make your team's ammunition.
- At the end of the minute, everyone must leave the neutral zone and not return.
- When the minute is up, players may start firing ammunition at their opponents.
- If a paper ball hits a player, that player is out. They must sit out of the game until the next round.
- Players may use any ammunition that is on their side of the playing area. If the ammunition falls into the neutral zone around the table, it is out of play because no one may enter the neutral zone after that first minute.
- The team that gets the other team completely out is the winner.
- For the next game, they may make more ammunition, or you can jsut use what was already made.
This is better than dodge ball, especially for Group Three, since they can throw the paper balls as hard as they want and not hurt anyone. This game makes a mess, so make sure everyone cleans up afterwards.
THIS WORKS ON - Competition (trying to get the other team out), eye-hand coordination (aiming and throwing to hit a target).