Monday, February 25, 2008

Dragon's Jewels

OBJECT - Steal the dragon's jewels!

GAME TYPE - Tag games.

WHO'S IT FOR - Group Two or Group Three. You should have at least five people to play this game.

WHAT YOU NEED - About ten to twenty small objects to double as jewels. I like to use beanbags, but you can use just about anything.


  1. Choose one player to be the dragon.
  2. Place the dragon's jewels in the center of the floor.
  3. The dragon must protect the jewels, but may not touch them. The dragon can stand over them, crouch, and protect them in anyway, but no touching.
  4. All other players try to steal the jewels. They can work together, trying to distract the dragon while others steal jewels.
  5. If the dragon tags a player, that player is out of the game.
  6. If the player gets away from the dragon with jewels and without being tagged, the jewels are successfully stolen.
  7. If the player steals jewels, but gets tagged in the getaway, the jewels go back to the nest.
  8. The round is over when either all jewels have been stolen, or all players have been tagged.
  9. Everyone should get a chance to be the dragon. The winner will be the dragon who has successfully defended the most treasure.

Since the jewels do not belong to an individual, but rather to the whole team, be sure to stress team cooperation. The team can't steal much treasure unless they work together.

THIS WORKS ON - Teamwork (working together to steal jewels), strategy (figuring out the best way to stymie the dragon).

Dragon's Tail

OBJECT - Be a dragon, and don't let the head catch the tail!

GAME TYPE - One team games.

WHO'S IT FOR - Group One. You need at least five people to make a good sized dragon.

WHAT YOU NEED - Space to move around, and some kind of flag for a tail.

  1. Everyone lines up, one behind another, and puts their hands on the shoulders or waist of the person in front of them.
  2. Attach a tail to the person in the back. It can be a flag, a handkerchief, or some other loose cloth or paper attached loosely in the back o the waist. It must be easily removed.
  3. The person in front of the line is the head of the dragon. He/she must try to grab the tail from the back of the dragon and pull it off.
  4. Everyone else is the body of the dragon. They must hold on and not lose contact with each other for the entire game. However, in following the head, they must try to keep it from catching the tail.
  5. The tail must try to evade the head for as long as it can.
  6. When the tail is removed, the person who was in the back of the line moves to the front and becomes the new head.

Make sure everyone gets a chance to be both head and tail throughout the game.

THIS WORKS ON - Teamwork (having to move as one entity), strategy (trying to keep the head from the tail)