Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Hungry Hippos

OBJECT - Feed the hippos!

GAME TYPE - Four team game.

WHO'S IT FOUR - Group Two and Group Three. You need at least four players to play, but probably no more than 12.

WHAT YOU NEED - Four boxes or laundry baskets, several playground balls, and a fairly large area.

  1. Divide the players into four teams. There should be one to three players on each team.
  2. Assign each team to one goal. This is a hippo, and this is where they will try to score.
  3. Everyone must try to score a goal in their own hippo while trying to block goals in other hippos. It may be helpful for teams to divide themselves into offense and defense.
  4. If there are only four players, the playing area will be much smaller than if there are twelve.
  5. If a ball is kicked into a hippo, that hippo's team scores one point. The ball goes back into play.
  6. Players may only kick the ball.
  7. At the end of a set time limit, whichever team has the most points wins.

All four teams must cooperate to prevent other teams from scoring while trying to score themselves. This can make the game pretty chaotic, so watch for frustration.

THIS WORKS ON - Competition (trying to score goals against other teams), eye-foot coordination (trying to aim kicks), interteam cooperation (working with other teams to try and defend).

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