Monday, April 21, 2008

Bucket Brigade

OBJECT - Fill the bucket.

GAME TYPE - Racing game, passing game.

WHO'S IT FOR - Group One. You should have at least five people in a line, and if you have enough players, you can have several lines going at once.

WHAT YOU NEED - A bucket full of water, an empty bucket, and a lot of plastic cups.

  1. Line the players up. At one end of the line, place the full bucket. At the other, place the empty bucket.
  2. On the word "GO", the player next to the full bucket fills a plastic cup and passes it to the next player. The cup makes its way down the line to the other end, where the last player dumps it in the bucket.
  3. The first player keeps passing full cups down the line, one after the other, until the bucket at the other end is either full, or full to a predesignated level.
  4. If you only have one line, try to record the fastest time. If more than one, have a race.

This can make the floor pretty wet, especially if the cups are full when passed. Be careful

THIS WORKS ON - Eye-hand coordination (passing the cup, receiving the cup, not spilling), teamwork (passing quickly without spilling)

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